A Missile Base Called Home
Studio 360 takes us on a tour of missile a silo turned happy home:
“The underground nuclear missile bases and silos are still out there in Kansas. Many of them are now empty – but not for long. Studio 360’s Eric Molinsky visits a peace activist who is turning decommissioned nuclear missile bases and silos into family homes.”
That’s some pretty serious adaptive reuse right there…
You can download the show from Studio 360 here, or subscribe to the Studio 360 Podcast through iTunes [or by copying this URL into your iTunes: http://www.studio360.org/index.xml]
::Thanks to the Studio 360 Intern who hit us with a link::
Posted: November 11th, 2008
at 8:38am by orangemenace
Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,housing,interiors,adaptive reuse
Comments: 1 comment
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Found this by pure accident, but how ironic a peace activist finding good fortune through weapons of mass destruction. I guess it’s the conservation of a cold history we should never forget. Had a look at Studio 360 and must say it looks pretty homely.
Silo Cleaning Services
13 Jan 09 at 10:03 am