Taken for a Ride
Taken for a Ride is an amazing documentary by Jim Kleina and Martha Olson that documents the efforts to derail mass transit in America. Ever wonder why the U.S. has the worst mass transportation system in the industrialized world? Using historical footage and investigative research, this film tells how GM fought to push freeways into the inner cities of America, and push public transportation out.
I just came across this documentary, which had been recommended to me but I hadn’t seen. Good thing we bailed them out with all that government funding to save their asses – you know, since they’ve always looked out for the interests of the US public.
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Posted: July 19th, 2009
at 5:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, politricks, civic, for real?, infrastructure, documentary, cars
Categories: my ninja, please,film,videos
Comments: 3 comments
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For some additional perspective, see http://www.its.berkeley.edu/itsreview/ITSReviewonline/winter20042005/gm.html
20 Jul 09 at 8:14 am
My favorite line from that link:
“How the hell could GM destroy an entire industry when they make such crappy cars?â€
hahaha – so true.
20 Jul 09 at 4:40 pm
You might be interested in the life of Paul Pantone and the creation of the Geet International Institute Europe. Why Europe? Because our domestic auto industry and its related enterprises play dirty and Congress is bought and paid for. Notwithstanding, in lieu of your video “Taken for a Ride”, you might take a look at Indiana’s proposed I69 project. Makes the state look pretty on a map and was pushed by insiders and the governor. Needed? Obviously debatable.
Ned Delaney
3 Aug 09 at 8:43 pm