Imaginary Suburban Landscapes


[Image: Walnut Village]

Created by artist Ross Racine, I don’t have much to say about these incredible suburban landscapes other than they’re sick – and, of course, my ninjas, please! Both playful and critical, Ross’ creations speak to both the best and the worst aspect of the suburbs – and are fun to look at. Amazingly, while you’re first reaction may be that nearly all of his imaginary suburbs are absurd, I found that after getting over the cartoonish quality that these plans are not necessarily so far fetched – and I truly believe that if shown to a suburban developer, a number of them would be built. I mean, who doesn’t want to live in a cloud? What?


[Image: Sunshine Acres]

Drawn freehand directly on a computer and printed on a high-end inkjet printer, my works do not contain photographs or scanned material.

The subjects of my recent work may be interpreted as models for planned communities as much as aerial views of fictional suburbs, referencing the computer as a tool for the urban planning as well as the image capture. Investigating the relation between design and actual lived experience, the works subvert the apparent rationality of urban design, exposing conflicts that lie beneath the surface. these digital drawings are a comment on the fears as well as the dreams of suburban culture.

~ Ross Racine, via


[Image: Dewdrop Village]

.:images by artist Ross Racine->

.:found over at the Infrastructurist->

Posted: September 9th, 2009
at 11:25am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,housing,eye candy,illustration,suburbs

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