Graffiti Gone Global
Presented by SUSHISAMBA, Graffiti Gone Global is an exhibition planned as part of 2009 Art Basel Miami Beach – featuring a selection of work from “today’s top street artists”. The exhibit will run from December 4th through December 6th.
In an attempt to improve upon the typical white-walled gallery space, SUSHISAMBA has commissioned Miami-based architect HOX to design a Brazilian favela-inspired structure for the space – seen in the images here.
Now, from what I can tell HOX has no website [ridiculous, I know – these ninjas aren’t H&deM], so information is pretty limited on the installation being created – but I thought these images were promising. The stepping/terracing cubes and box-like forms, suspended in the space and pushing out into the exhibit, could be an interesting abstraction of the favelas – and for a dynamic addition to the exhibit.
All that said, HOX’s lack of internet presence has me thinking they might be imaginary…
Posted: September 24th, 2009
at 8:21am by orangemenace
Tagged with installation, art, for real?, exhibition space, exhibit, gallery
Categories: architecture,installation,exhibit
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