Zebra Imaging: Holographic Prints


They’re not quite the holograms we all grew up seeing in sci-fo movies – but they’re still pretty sick. Produced by Zebra Imaging, these “3-D” images are printed on boards which will then showcase changing views of an object from all angles. So, unlike those holographic trading cards you had as a kid these new images by Zebra can be rotated for 360 degree views of the objects depicted.


I would think this was more revolutionary, if I thought that there were architecture firms that could actually afford to implement this technology. Maybe if this had come out in the mid-to-late 90’s we would all be using it by now – but I don’t think I see it catching on anytime soon, taking the economy and all that into consideration.

.:Zebra Imaging->

Posted: October 26th, 2009
at 9:43am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,tech,videos,graphic design

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