Ninjas on the ‘Net


[image: map of the world as a near-continuous coastline, via BLDGBLOG]

I’m back, my ninjas! I wish there was some explanation worthy of my being absent from posting here for the past few weeks, but unfortunately I’ve got nothing. I suppose I’ve been ‘busy’ – or at least more so than I’ve been for the past few months – and that has kept me from the site. But the hiatus has come to an end, and the ninjas are back.

That said, I’ve got some interesting [to me, at least] news: in January I will start a 3 year term as a member of the editorial board of Architecture Boston. I’m not completely sure of how much influence that will grant me over the magazine, but I promise you this: something about ninjas will find its way into AB by 2013, so be on the lookout.

ANd this brings us to this week’s collection of links. As always, if you see anything on the web that you believe should be linked-to from AMNP [as part of Ninjas on the ‘Net, the news sidebar, or as a full post] feel free to drop me an email at

– a look at the Macallen Building in South Boston, by Office dA [A Daily Dose of Architecture]

– cracked-earth maps, flattening the globe [BLDGBLOG]

– parametric modeling vs sustainability in the schools? [Design Observer]

adaptive fritting [Transmaterial]

– should the cul-de-sac be banned? (yes!) [NY Times Magazine]

– Beijing Watercube design copied for casino in Macau [Architecture&Design]

Foreign Office Architects closing after partners split [bd online]

– minaret built in protest of new Swiss law [AFP]

British pavilion for Shanghai Expo 2010 [designboom]

– architects trying to save Cuban architecture [LA Times]

BIG at the Architecture League [Architecture League]

building & the arts while the economy slumps [NY Times]

– St Albans shows the importance of the design of our schools [Washington Post]

– ACSA announces 2009-10 Arch Education Award winners [Architect]

– Lebbeus Woods on architect Balthasar Holz [Lebbeus Woods]

Posted: December 15th, 2009
at 2:35pm by orangemenace

Categories: Ninjas on the 'net

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  1. Congrats on being a member of the board, yo. sounds like fun :)


    16 Dec 09 at 12:40 pm



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