I Ain’t Dead Yet…

April 12th… that was my last post here at AMNP, a fact that I’m not particularly proud of. I really wish I could say I had a good reason – like I had been on retreat in the woods, meditating and honing my ninja & architectural skills – but that’s not the case. Unfortunately, I’ve just been lazy [in terms of AMNP, anyways]. Oddly enough, when you’re out of work for a prolonged time getting back to the grind leaves you feeling much busier than you had before the layoff – or at least that’s what happened in my case. Having recently received some comments & emails asking what exactly the deal is, I’ve decided to get my act together.

Point is – AMNP ain’t dead yet, #*%$#@!!

Without going too far down the ‘what is a blog’s purpose’ rabbit hole [in this post], I’ve found myself wondering what function AMNP actually plays in the wider architectural interwebs. I feel as if since this site was founded (end of 2006) the architecture blogosphere has exploded in size, only to shrink back down a bit as some of the larger sites have settled in and mastered a model of multiple posts a day that seemed hard to compete with. I was thinking about this fact, wondering why I’d bother continuing AMNP when someone like Arch Daily rocks 10 articles a day – only to stop, slap myself, and realize that I was a ninja, dammit [the HNIC also recently suggested I was being a b!tch, which was motivational].

I’m not sure exactly where I’ll take the site from here, but I’ll feel it out – and I’m pretty confident you’ll let me know if I’m doing it wrong. Only thing I’m sure of is that architecture and blogs need ninjas, and if Archi-Ninja can’t pick up the slack while I’m on hiatus then I need to make a comeback [yes, Linda, I just called you out like that].

Sorry, but this self-indulgent post is all you’re getting for today. We’ll be back with the realness tomorrow, my ninjas.


~ your friendly neighborhood orangemenace

Posted: August 1st, 2010
at 11:35pm by orangemenace

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Categories: MNP

Comments: 3 comments


3 Responses to 'I Ain’t Dead Yet…'

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  1. hey man – don’t stop the posts. Archdaily may have 10 articles a day but they can’t compete on editorial brilliance. Looking forward to some more morning reading.

    John in Melbourne.


    2 Aug 10 at 12:27 am


  2. Seriously, 10 articles a day? That level of output just becomes noise…looking at all the pictures on Arch Daily is almost a full time job, which is why I would venture to guess that most people just skim it. (Not to speak ill of it…it’s just a different type of publication than AMNP…All blogs are not created equal.)

    If you can highlight something legitimately interesting–or make an incisive comment–1-3 times a week, you will get more careful attention from a certain type of reader.


    2 Aug 10 at 1:22 am


  3. soooooo happy that AMNP’s back:)It is my fave and I kept wondering what’s going on in last four months when clicked in but saw no new interesting posts as usual:(


    5 Aug 10 at 9:05 pm



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