Quote of the Day
What you actually do when you move out of a city is move into a car.
Posted: August 16th, 2010
at 11:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with urban/master planning, cars, traffic, city, suburban
Categories: architecture,green arch,urban/master planning,quote of the day
Comments: No comments
Taken for a Ride
Taken for a Ride is an amazing documentary by Jim Kleina and Martha Olson that documents the efforts to derail mass transit in America. Ever wonder why the U.S. has the worst mass transportation system in the industrialized world? Using historical footage and investigative research, this film tells how GM fought to push freeways into the inner cities of America, and push public transportation out.
I just came across this documentary, which had been recommended to me but I hadn’t seen. Good thing we bailed them out with all that government funding to save their asses – you know, since they’ve always looked out for the interests of the US public.
::Video Sundays, or VS, is a weekly feature here on AMNP. For more architecture-related videos, click on any Sunday in the sidebar calendar – or on the ‘videos’ category in the ‘archjutsu’ section. And don’t hesitate to submit suggestions for video features to architecture[at]myninjaplease[dot]com::
Posted: July 19th, 2009
at 5:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, politricks, civic, for real?, infrastructure, documentary, cars
Categories: my ninja, please,film,videos
Comments: 3 comments