Archive for the ‘MNP’ tag

MNP Visualization Contest


Greetings ninjas! We would like to offer a challenge to our readership. If we can first direct your attention to the Column – you will find a post entitled Visualization- a post where we visualize

So the challenge is:

Create either with graphics or words, how you, yourself visualize – the three (3) most thoughtful responses will receive a free copy of the 2 Disc (DVD/CD) set of Bob Marley : Stations of the Cross courtesy of MVD Entertainment Group, which comes out today (9/22/09).

The winning entries will be published a week after the termination of the contest which is Tuesday, 8th of October- let the best win!

Please send all entries to


2-disc set includes new documentary film, plus over an hour of rare Marley audio interviews!

THE DVD: This film tells the complete and unexpurgated story of Bob Marley and of the life he led and the music he made. From his earliest days growing up in a small Jamaican village, through his early musical excursions – some 12 years before the world learned his name – to his era as an iconic and much loved superstar, a position he was cruelly only to enjoy for 6 short years. Featuring the rarest footage of Bob and The Wailers in existence [including much from private collections], interviews with his very closest friends, loved ones and associates, contributions from the finest writers and journalists, plus news reports, location shoots, exclusive photographs and much more, this is the best film yet to document Marley’s life as it will prove a delight for the millions of fans still enamored of the man and the music.THE CD: More than an hour of audio interviews with Bob Marley, split into a number of sections, each of which concentrates on a different subject close to man’s heart.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009
at 11:21am by orangemenace

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Categories: competitions,MNP

Comments: 2 comments

Let’s Get Hyphae

Now, a sensible ninja would wonder: how could something called “Hyphae Design Lab” not be associated with myninjaplease? The answer, of course, is that it would be impossible. That said, I can’t believe we didn’t get a shout-out…

Moving along – our ninja Brent started the Hyphae Design Lab, and is designing innovative greywater systems out in the Bay-area. Long story short, we are incredibly water-innefficient [in the US, and globally], and in order to move towards a green / sustainable future we need to seriously overhaul the way we think of water and waste systems, particularly those in our homes. Brent has some ideas how we can do that, and discusses his vision / concepts in this video feature for DWELL.

Posted: August 3rd, 2009
at 4:31pm by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,green arch,tech,featured ninjas,videos,MNP

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We’re Back Like Scoliosis


No, I’m not entirely sure what that means – other than AMNP [and all of myninjaplease] is back after a painful week and a half [roughly] of being out of commission for a number of reasons I won’t even bother getting into. Suffice it to say that technology services aren’t properly regulated, and are essentially allowed to screw you every which way if they so choose.

With that – and the fact that MNP has been unstable and slow for what seems like months – in mind, we’ve moved hosts! We’ve now ‘gone green’, moving to a host that offsets the energy their servers consume by purchasing wind credits amounting to 300% of their electricity demand. Sure, it’s not as cool as going ‘off grid’, but this seemed pretty dope for now.

So, sorry for the delays / downtime – and please, make ninjas that you know / encounter aware that we’re back up and running. I wouldn’t want them going around uninformed…

Posted: August 3rd, 2009
at 3:08pm by orangemenace

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Categories: MNP

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New Theme, New Day


[Look, if tequila and plantain chips don’t help your creative process, you’re probably just not a ninja]

Well, it’s official – after about 2 weeks of prep, and a marathon 12 hour push by the HNIC [AKA black octagons, the eight-sided darkness] and myself, the entire myninjaplease network has been upgraded, updated, retrofitted, and reinvented as MNP 2.0.

You’ll notice that the site as a whole is a bit crispier, and that the ‘sidenotes’ in the middle column finally work [no more clicking titles of posts for links!]. We’re also using the new theme to attempt more cross-site promotion between the various MNP pages – most noticeably with the RSS feeds in the right sidebar [don’t sleep on the rest of myninjaplease!].

I would say things are about 85% done – so if you could wait a week or so before you pass judgment, things should be in working order [we know how ninjas are about tossin’ their opinions around]. Let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions/comments, and [especially] if you notice something that isn’t working right by dropping me an email at – or by leaving a comment.

Hope you like the new look – thanks for reading!

Posted: July 3rd, 2009
at 1:35am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture

Comments: 4 comments

MNP Goes LEED Double Diamond


The MNP fam has decided that it was finally time we ‘officially’ went ‘green’ – even tho ninjas have obviously always lived in perfect harmony with their environment. With that in mind, AMNP was kind enough to grace the USGBC and GBCI with our membership – and my becoming a LEED AP. For us it was little more than an early morning diversion and a few hundred bucks lost – but now these LEED organizations can claim an association with the shogunate, which will surely improve public perception of both groups. You’re welcome, USGBC and GBCI – no big thing, really.

With this in mind, we’ve decided to go for a LEED rating here at MNP. For AMNP specifically, this means that I will be recycling 100% of future content from other blogs and websites within a 500 mile radius. I’ll also be creating a graphic for the top of the page advising visitors that the site is best viewed with your monitor off, to save electricity.

I’ve also presented plans to the rest of myninjaplease to take the network to LEED Double Diamond status – which is lightyears ahead of Platinum, for those that didn’t know – by constructing the new dojo in a paralel dimension that has no impact on our own, accessed from an urban brownfield site we’ll be converting to a public park.

Posted: June 29th, 2009
at 11:52am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,green arch,MNP

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