World’s Nicest KFC?

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Could this be the world’s nicest KFC [well, nicest looking – they’re all pretty gross, really]? Commissioned by KFC Iceland, the 450 square meter building was designed by pk arkitektar [yes, designed to be a KFC – they didn’t just move in later] and completed in 2005. My ninjas, PLEASE!


Honestly, I think it looks ‘cold’ from the outside and that the concrete is a little overbearing – for a fast-food restaurant. That being said, I wouldn’t be complaining if they started replacing their US locations with buildings like this. I wonder what made them spend the money?



I know one thing, it’s sure-as-hell better than this:


By the way, if you know of a nicer KFC – or any fast food chain – hit us up. Always looking for some ridiculousness over here at MNP.

::Images + info from pk arkitektar – photographs by Rafael Pinho::

::via eye candy::

Posted: January 24th, 2008
at 5:00am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,my ninja, please

Comments: 9 comments


9 Responses to 'World’s Nicest KFC?'

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  1. thanks for the credit on the post… by the way thecoolhunter is running a request on McDonalds.
    I just sent them a bunch of archived images and web links. Let me know if you’d like a copy.


    24 Jan 08 at 6:13 pm


  2. Yeah man – hit us some links!


    24 Jan 08 at 8:11 pm


  3. Here in france, McDonalds or McDo (pronounced mac-dough) does some pretty different shit for restaurants than the yellow, red and white exteriors and slanted roofs, especially in cities. Looks more like starbucks than 1€ cheeseburgers.


    25 Jan 08 at 8:26 am


  4. I think i might be able to find the worst KFC…

    Mark Anthony

    25 Jan 08 at 2:27 pm


  5. Toby? Damn sonny – its been a minute! Great to hear from you tho…be sure to hit us with photos of your trip!

    I’m not sure that finding the worst KFC is that impressive…unless its drastically worse than all the others…


    25 Jan 08 at 2:30 pm


  6. It’s a nice one indeed.

    TQ Tuan

    27 Jan 08 at 8:00 am


  7. Can you do a make on Macdonald’s too!

    Chris Heath

    28 Jan 08 at 5:55 am


  8. You know, I think we’re going to! Our ninja over at Eye Candy has hooked us with some Mcdonald’s images, and you should expect to see them here on Wednesday…should be hilarious.


    28 Jan 08 at 9:24 pm


  9. It looks nice. The best I have been in was Budapest, Hungary. It was built as a three story building due to limited horizontal space. There was balcony seating and a stream running through it. The whole place had a 1950’s US Rock theme, with an Elvis Suit in a glass case at the entrance.

    james clifton

    22 Feb 08 at 10:18 am



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