Archive for the ‘ninja arithmetic’ Category

Ninja Arithmetic LXVII.5

Our ninja Matt K. – who has submitted a number of Ninja Arithmetic equations – sent me this image last week with the following explanation:

So, I had this idea for the Mercedes Benz building by UN Studio to be a Ninja Arithmetic submission after I saw this [YouTube video embedded below].

However, it turned out more like the image attached, so feel free to use that or make your own off the concept.

It begs the question: if building natural disasters into buildings is the next stage of excess-itecture, what’s next? Will Gehry have artificial tsunamis? Will Zaha build an earthquake simulator?


I think that stands on its own as a post. If any of your architectural musings seem interesting, don’t hesitate to drop me an email at

Posted: March 10th, 2010
at 6:17am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,videos,ninja arithmetic

Comments: No comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXVII

[Equation: Projector X steel plate = Henning Larsens Tegnestue’s Danish Opera House]

Thanks to our ninja Tony for submitting this edition of Ninja Arithmetic.

If you’re inspired with an idea for a Ninja Arithmetic post by a project that you come across, don’t hesitate to contact AMNP! You don’t have to make the graphic yourself – simply explain the equation to me in an email, and I’ll handle the rest. Simply end your suggestion to, with “Ninja Arithmetic” in the subject line.

Posted: March 3rd, 2010
at 3:54pm by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,ninja arithmetic

Comments: 2 comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXVI

[Equation: pencil sharpener – trojan horse x oil money = Godolphin Parks]

WOW… this project, the Godolphin Parks project proposed for Dubai, is absolutely ridiculous – possibly one of the silliest projects I’ve ever seen. I mean, not only is there a silhouette of a horse cut out of this building – but they actually want to build it an eye? WTF?

Thanks to our ninja Devan for submitting this edition of Ninja Arithmetic.

If you’re inspired with an idea for a Ninja Arithmetic post by a project that you come across, don’t hesitate to contact AMNP! You don’t have to make the graphic yourself – simply explain the equation to me in an email, and I’ll handle the rest. Simply end your suggestion to, with “Ninja Arithmetic” in the subject line.

Posted: February 24th, 2010
at 5:31am by orangemenace

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Categories: ninja arithmetic

Comments: 3 comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXV

[Equation: Sauron’s Tower Sauron‘s all-seeing eye = Miapolis]

Thanks to our ninjas, and AMNP readers Hee and Beth – who unwittingly submitted this week’s Ninja Math to me. Note – I don’t mean to imply that the builders of the Miapolis Tower are evil personified – like Sauron from The Lord of the Rings. I, however, don’t know for sure that they aren’t, either – I’m just saying.

If you’re inspired with an idea for a Ninja Arithmetic post by a project that you come across, don’t hesitate to contact AMNP! You don’t have to make the graphic yourself – simply explain the equation to me in an email, and I’ll handle the rest. Simply end your suggestion to, with “Ninja Arithmetic” in the subject line.

Posted: January 27th, 2010
at 10:04am by orangemenace

Categories: ninja arithmetic

Comments: 3 comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXIV

[Solution: a blue whale, X the Yokohama Terminal = the Yeosu Expo 2012 by Nicoletti Associati]

Thanks to AMNP reader Sven for submitting this week’s ninja math. I have to say – it’s basically absurd how much this project looks like ?a beached whale. It should be the new headquarters of Sea World…

If you’re inspired by a project you find on the web to create a ninja arithmetic image of your own, don’t hesitate to drop me an email at And if you don’t feel like making the image yourself, feel free to hit me with the appropriate links and I’ll put the image together.

Posted: January 6th, 2010
at 6:50pm by orangemenace

Categories: ninja arithmetic

Comments: No comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXIII


[solution: architecture + God (complex) = The Berg]

This week’s ninja math was submitted by AMNP reader Matt K. – who has been pretty consistently dropping great ninja math equations on us.

::To submit an idea for some ninja math, email us at ARCHITECTURE[at]MYNINJAPLEASE[dot]COM. For past entries, click on the Ninja Arithmetic category under archjutsu::

Posted: November 18th, 2009
at 8:00am by orangemenace

Categories: ninja arithmetic

Comments: 2 comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXII


[solution: SANAA’s New Museum + itself, x an empty glass = Edificio Correos Chile, by Zerafa Architecture Studio]

“Some (ninjas) just need to be called out”.

That’s the only thing AMNP reader Joshua had to add to this submission of Ninja Arithmetic.

::To submit an idea for some ninja math, email us at ARCHITECTURE[at]MYNINJAPLEASE[dot]COM. For past entries, click on the Ninja Arithmetic category under archjutsu::

Posted: November 11th, 2009
at 9:01am by orangemenace

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Categories: ninja arithmetic

Comments: 3 comments

Ninja Arithmetic LXI


[solution: The Interlace Residential Complex, Singapore by OMA]

This week’s ninja math was submitted by AMNP reader Mauricio.

::To submit an idea for some ninja math, email us at ARCHITECTURE[at]MYNINJAPLEASE[dot]COM. For past entries, click on the Ninja Arithmetic category under archjutsu::

Posted: October 28th, 2009
at 7:17am by orangemenace

Categories: ninja arithmetic

Comments: No comments

Ninja Arithmetic LX


[solution: KAUST Breakwater Beacon, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia by HOK]

This week’s ninja math was submitted by AMNP reader [and repeat ninja arithmetic creator] Matt.

::To submit an idea for some ninja math, email us at ARCHITECTURE[at]MYNINJAPLEASE[dot]COM. For past entries, click on the Ninja Arithmetic category under archjutsu::

Posted: October 21st, 2009
at 10:22am by orangemenace

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Categories: ninja arithmetic

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Ninja Arithmetic LIX

Brussels Square

[solution: SQUARE – Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, Belgium]

This week’s ninja math was submitted by AMNP reader [and repeat ninja arithmetic creator] Matt.

::To submit an idea for some ninja math, email us at ARCHITECTURE[at]MYNINJAPLEASE[dot]COM. For past entries, click on the Ninja Arithmetic category under archjutsu::

Posted: October 7th, 2009
at 3:05pm by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,ninja arithmetic

Comments: 1 comment