Archive for the ‘sidenote’ Category

Job Opening

If colchicine cheapest price people think an IUD has fallen out of place, it pamoate online stores is important they use a backup method of contraception and discount lumigan without prescription see a doctor as soon as possible. A doctor will buy generic asacol cost oral be able to perform a physical examination and, depending on buy quinine any other symptoms you may be experiencing, order tests to norvasc sale help determine the cause. Females are more prone to getting generic spiriva no prescription jelly UTIs because they have shorter urethras than males, making it lumigan without prescription easier for pathogens to travel up to the bladder. If buy artane a person requires additional treatment, they can carefully apply ophthalmic-grade diovan petrolatum ointment — available on prescription — to the area. cialis buy online The studies suggest that zinc can promote bone regeneration, especially dangers cheapest azor get in the event of a bone fracture. For details on how.

Princeton Architectural Press is looking for a full-time editor – remember you heard it here & then send me free books!

.:PA Press job opening->

Posted: September 20th, 2011
at 9:43pm by orangemenace

Categories: sidenote

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Stretch It Out

Chinese companies have been caught illegally stretching steel re-bar, thus thinning the cross-section to unsafe diameters. Must be great when an earthquake hits. I mean, this is pretty terrible… (not that a US company wouldn’t do the same)

.:full story->via WAN

Posted: September 20th, 2011
at 9:39pm by orangemenace

Categories: sidenote

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Lifting Content

Damn near everyone with an architecture blog that has been read by more than 5 people has been plagiarized – probably by another blog or site that is much larger and established. I won’t name names of who has ripped off AMNP – but they were the kind of sites that could afford to pay me for my content, no doubt. Arch Record, however, has no qualms calling someone out…

.:News Notebook->

Posted: September 19th, 2011
at 9:41pm by orangemenace

Categories: sidenote

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‘Retrograde Cocoon’

The LA Times’ Christopher Hawthorne takes a look at the new Apple HQ by Foster + Partners – and finds it wanting.

.:critic’s notebook-> LA Times

Posted: September 19th, 2011
at 9:34pm by orangemenace

Categories: sidenote

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The Road to Exurbia

James Barilla reflects on what life in the Exurbs look like in the North East.

.:full article -> via DesignObserver

Posted: September 11th, 2011
at 5:54pm by orangemenace

Categories: sidenote

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Symbolic Towers

The symbolism of the skyscraper has changed very little – if at all – since 9/11, argues LA Times architecture critic Christopher Hawthorne. I would contend that in terms of the WTC it has changed somewhat, but in no way for the better.

.:full article->via LA Times


Posted: September 5th, 2011
at 5:16pm by AMNP

Categories: sidenote

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Gibson on Cities

The September issue is Scientific American is devoted to cities – and has one of AMNP’s favorite authors, William Gibson! I’m looking forward to the issue, but until then check out the features being released online – like this interview with the author of such novels as Neuromancer and Pattern Language.

.:read the interview->

Posted: August 22nd, 2011
at 5:21pm by AMNP

Categories: sidenote

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Twittering Ninjas

Are you following AMNP on Twitter yet? The fun doesn’t here on the site, and we do more than plug our own posts! Come check out our timeline.

.: @ArchitectureMNP ->

Posted: August 21st, 2011
at 7:14pm by AMNP

Categories: sidenote

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Bilbao Effect

The next Bilbao – how a museum can regenerate an entire city, over at FastCompany.

.:full story->

Posted: August 21st, 2011
at 5:22pm by AMNP

Categories: sidenote

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Space Hotels!

Wow, I really hope to one day cool-out in a space hotel of some sort – but I hope that sometime in my lifetime they evolve into something iller / cheaper /need less training than what the Russians are planning. Still, this is pretty awesome – see what I’m talking about after the link.


Posted: August 18th, 2011
at 7:16pm by AMNP

Categories: sidenote

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