Klein Dytham architecture : Sin Den

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Located in Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Sin Den was desgined by Klein Dytham architecture for a young couple and their baby. Part house, part ‘cutting-edge’ salon, the building is meant to attract ‘those who have their own style and seek a perfect hideaway’.


From the exterior the house/salon is meant to stand out and draw attention to itself. Filling the 50 square meter site with what is essentially a black box, the designers were trying to create a strong graphic image on the otherwise simple and massive box – displaying the creativity and uniqueness of the home’s inhabitants.




The interior of the building is, apparently, quite the opposite – creating what Klein Dytham describes as the ‘perfect interior for a family home’ through a simpler design, with ‘natural’ colors and spaces flooded with natural light from the large windows cut in the ‘box’.


::Klein Dytham architecture homepage::

Posted: November 1st, 2007
at 7:00am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,housing,featured ninjas

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  3. 虽然看英语不是太懂,不过很喜欢的。。本来想用英语给你留言,不过我那蹩脚的英语就算了。。。

    I think the building is very beautiful!

    I hope I can one day live in a house just like it.


  4. What material is it made out of?


    25 Feb 09 at 10:41 am


  5. […] to beautify your home or place of business, in order to attract more attention. – Via- myninjaplease « « Previous Post Next Post » […]



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