Dan Hisel Design – Z-Box

Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth (and even still), everyone at some point has lived in a situation where space was limited. To make the best of any situation, personalization and creativity are used in conjunction with function to make sure the use of remaining space is maximized. Now, you could undertake the task of coming up with the perfect solution to the spatial dilemma yourself, OR you can simply call up Dan Hisel Design and have him do it for you.


The Z-Box is a steel-framed, freestanding…um, box (dimensions: 12 ft. x 12 ft. x 10 ft. h) within a renovated 1,400 square foot loft in Lynn, Mass. The owner’s spent around 18,000 dollars (cost saving by self laboring) for this wood-lined sleeping space (that’s where the Z in Z-Box comes from=Zzzz or sleep).



Inside the minimalist Douglas Fir interior recesses were created for bookshelves and artificial lighting. Aside from the sleeping area, the Z-Box holds additional functions including more shelving, storage/clothes closets, and even doggy beds (yeah, dope), all cut into the translucent polycarbonate exterior walls that sheath it.


The owners also relied on the Z-Box as an object that separates the public and private zones. Behind [south on the plan above] is an area designated for a small art studio.


Now, we here at MNP know what you’re all thinking – I want one. Well, us too [would look great in the dojo]. Well we’re all in luck, as we here at MNP have recently learned from Dan that he is currently redeveloping the design of the Z-Box as a prefabricated, component-based system whose modules can be rolled through a standard door and assembled much faster than the original – and the price will hopefully drop some from the 18g’s too [although we still advise you start saving now]. Some schematic design work has even begun on different variations on the Z-Box design – possibly creating elevated sleeping spaces, work spaces, media rooms, and more. And with 25 letters in the alphabet left we can envision an entire series of these Dan Hisel ‘Boxes’ rolling out sometime in the future. We’re waiting on the ‘M’ ‘N’ and ‘P’ Boxes…


Also – did anyone see this on HGTV? We were told by Dan that the loft space was going to be featured on one of the network’s shows and would like to link to/feature the clip.

::info from the Dan Hisel Design, photos by Peter Vanderwarker::

[[article by dubs]]

ed. note: pugs and brunette shown not included

Posted: May 16th, 2007
at 7:45am by Dubs

Categories: architecture,pre-fab,housing,interiors,furniture,featured ninjas

Comments: 9 comments


9 Responses to 'Dan Hisel Design – Z-Box'

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  1. […] Dan Hisel [via Apartment Therapy and Archictecture.mnp] […]


  2. […] Dan Hisel [via Apartment Therapy and Archictecture.mnp] […]


  3. […] Cruise on over to arch.mnp and check out Dan Hisel and the Z-Box, and remember, you heard it here first. […]


  4. […] Dan Hisel [via Apartment Therapy and Archictecture.mnp] […]


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    29 Aug 07 at 4:13 am


  6. Hello information about rooms modular delivery times and prices if they have representation in Spain thanks

    Conjunto Vacio

    17 Oct 07 at 3:02 am


  7. nice list.


    17 Jul 08 at 7:51 am


  8. the girl is so relaxed and the background is cool


    30 Aug 08 at 4:00 am


  9. I saw Dan Hisel’s Z-Box on HGTV’s “Outside the Box” this afternoon (and the Pugs). Wow. I could not find same on the website–the last entry there is for July 1, 2009. However, some time ago, HGTV stopped giving hardly any info, much less photos on any of their programs. May not even give designers’ names, often. I Goggled Dan Hysel and found your site. Thanks!


    8 Jul 09 at 7:55 pm



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