Carlo Ratti Associati : MG_flat

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Its like someone saw the secret plans for the MNP dojo we’ve been designing, and then turned them into a loft space. I mean, my ninjas, please! – do you see those video projections? Siiick…

Exhibited at the 2004 Venice Biennale, this loft space was designed by Carlo Ratti Associati for an ‘archi-enthusiast’ building owner in Turin [Italy] with a simple goal: refurbish the space and rent it out.


According to the Italian rental laws, tenants must paint their own walls, and maintain hardwood floors at their own cost. The landlord, therefore, needed only to provide simple plaster walls floors – for which low-cost industrial hardwood floors made of sawmill rejects/scraps were used.

This desire for a simple solution led the designers to develop an insertion into the space, based on the concept of an unfolding box. This created an interesting folding aesthetic – walls folding into shelves, bed space, counters, etc. This concept also inspired the ninjas over at Ratti Associati to integrate the everywhere display into the space, using video projections to enliven the simple forms.


IBM’s everywhere display is a video projector with a rotating mirror that allows any surface around it to become a potential screen. Its envisaged use in this project informed the design and modeling of interior spaces. The flat is designed around one core ambient, with low-rise partitions in order to maximize the co-visibility of surfaces. This allows projections on most internal walls and potentially creates a home-like pervasive computing environment – as demonstrated by MIT’s House_n group [from Carlo Ratti Associati].


The wall that you see the projections on in the images [shown blank in the image above] closes in a low-walled space for a bed – just a few steps off the floor of the main loft space. The understated forms and folding floor plane keep with the overall simplicity of the project, leaving color and other design choices to the individual tenants – or simply providing a clean, crisp aesthetic to be accentuated by the projections alone [which, is what I would do – forget painting anything].


::all images and info from Carlo Ratti Associati::

Posted: July 9th, 2007
at 7:30am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,housing,interiors,furniture,featured ninjas

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