Jetson Green: Chartwell School Gets A+

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Jeff, green ninja over at Jetson Green writes:

Although memories of elementary school for most of us may evoke images of stuffy classrooms, florescent lights, and playground bullies, students at Chartwell School located in Seaside, CA (near Monterey) are quite proud of their new school campus. That’s because the USGBC recently gave them an A+ in green building. In December, Chartwell students announced that they were first complete educational campus to be awarded LEED Platinum, which makes them just about the greenest school campus in the country. Congrats also to Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC for their LEED Platinum middle-school building.

Click here to read read the rest of this article [this is just an excerpt ] over at Jetson Green.

::article written by Jeff, a writer over at Jetson Green – original article entitled Chartwell School Receives A+ from USGBC. These articles from Jetson Green on MNP’s Green Tuesdays are part of a feature you can find here every week – just click any Tuesday in the calender and enjoy! And for more ‘green’ news + info, head on over to Green.MNP::

Posted: February 5th, 2008
at 4:00am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,green arch

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