VS: Greg Lynn on Calculus + Architecture

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Greg Lynn talks about the mathematical roots of architecture — and how calculus and digital tools allow modern designers to move beyond the traditional building forms. A glorious church in Queens (and a titanium tea set) illustrate his theory.

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Posted: January 11th, 2009
at 2:06pm by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,tech,featured ninjas,videos

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  1. All the “mathematical” bells and whistles, the somersaults, the back flips and other fancy maneuvres worthy of a Tsui Hark movie to justify generating some pretty UGLY architecture forms which, with the exception of the Queens church perhaps, do not at all provide specific benefits or support better functioning of the buildings. He even tries to justify the ugliness with the “GFON” (God-damn Freak of Nature) defense. For too long, these “theorist-architects” have been desperately leeching whatever they can find of post-structuralist pseudo-scientific jargon (see the book “Higher Superstitions”) as a crutch for their lack of design ideas and direction. For all the computer/calculus acrobatics generated forms, it never occurred to guys like Lynn how the project will be built based on the totally boring Physics-Euclidean geometry-dependent construction reality. As a result, we have horrible architectural realities, travesties of mismatched angles and curves, patched up shabbily in-situ by construction workers who did not have the good fortune to attend Columbia University and be educated in the erudite tradition by Lynn.


    29 Jan 09 at 9:12 am



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