MVRDV vision for Grand Paris

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This animation presents MVRDVs vision for Greater Paris 2030. The project Paris Plus petit by MVRDV in collaboration with ACS and AAF is one of ten proposals by international architecture and urbanism teams to envision the future of the French capital and its vast agglomeration. The urban challenge has been commissioned by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France.

Paris Plus stands for more: more ambition, more optimism, more density, more efficiency, more ecology and more compactness. Greater Paris needs a strong combination of responsibility and ambition to continue its development, to ensure its consistency and to develop a cohesion that can build a base for a collective enterprise to solve its problems, to enlarge its presence and attractiveness, to create an even more remarkable, exemplary city. via

The ten proposals/plans are presented in an exhibition at Cité de lArchitecture open to the public from the 29th of April 2009 until the 22nd of November 2009.

Le Grand Pari(s) -> via Cité de lArchitecture

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Posted: May 24th, 2009
at 7:28pm by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,urban/master planning,videos

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