Augmented Reality iPhone 3Gs App


I have to admit – recent and ongoing developments in ‘augmented reality’ user interfaces have me kind of geeked. Integrating technology into our lives in increasingly seamless ways is both exciting to me in a ‘the future is now’ kind of way – and for the possibility of un-tethering ourselves, while remaining somehow connected to the ‘net [or whatever] in a more ‘real’, integrated [and maybe less anti-social] way. Not that any of this has to do with this iPhone app giving you directions in the subway…

From the developers:

When you load the app, holding it flat, all lines of the New York subway are displayed in coloured arrows. By tilting the phone upwards, you will see the nearest stations: what direction they are in relation to your location, how many miles away they are and what lines they are on. If you continue to tilt the phone upwards, you will see stations further away, as stacked icons. Only available to Apple iPhone 3GS users.

But yeah – looks pretty dope. I’m really interested to see how architecture and design respond to these kind of developments – and what they will mean for public space, in particular.

.:video mentioned Andrew Maynard interview -> over at Archi-Ninja

Posted: August 20th, 2009
at 10:57am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,tech,videos

Comments: 3 comments


3 Responses to 'Augmented Reality iPhone 3Gs App'

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  1. Hey this its great it looks very easy to use i think it just matter of time before we see it all the mayor cities of the world , again simple ideas combined with new technologies are killing it !!

    Rodrigo Medina

    20 Aug 09 at 11:50 am


  2. You’re seen the Sekai camera by Tonchidot right? I imagine someday we’ll be able to load augmented reality tags like layers (e.g. KLM files) and offer architectural tours, interactive directions, and be able to take scavenger hunts to the next level.

    Sekai camera vid:


    20 Aug 09 at 1:37 pm


  3. No – I hadn’t sen the Sekai camera, which looks pretty ill too. I was watching this earlier, tho, which is kind of cool / mostly hilarious:

    I mean, these things will probably end up as some kind of wearable display, in glasses or contacts or something – but it’s pretty sick to see the beginnings of these technologies possibly available for current devices.


    20 Aug 09 at 2:42 pm



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