Shit Architecture Students Say
My wife keeps showing me these “Shit so-and-sos Say” videos, which is an amusing if not maybe already tired trending meme – but how can you dislike “Shit Architecture Students Say” – unless you’re not an architect?
“What? CAD for Mac?”
Posted: January 25th, 2012
at 8:51am by orangemenace
Tagged with student, video, youtube, archies
Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,student,videos
Comments: 1 comment
Urban Pac-Man
Urban Pacman from Sergej Hein on Vimeo.
I realize that this is pretty stupid – but it’s Monday! I enjoy my work, but still need some humor to kick off the week. Oh, and I really want to do this to mess with some tourists before the summer ends.
Posted: August 22nd, 2011
at 11:55am by AMNP
Tagged with video, urban/master planning, funny, myninjaplease, Monday, pac-man
Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,videos
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Lilium Urbanus
Lilium Urbanus from Joji Tsuruga on Vimeo.
“Living in NYC is our biggest inspiration. There’s constant construction and change on every corner. We embraced the idea of urban growth and saw it as something uncontrollable, having a mind of its own. Like a growing flower, a small town constructs larger buildings and becomes a flourishing city with skyscrapers for leaves, airport runways for petals, and airplanes for seeds. Our goal was to show that a city is like a living being, constantly growing, changing, and spreading.â€
Created by Anca Risca and Joji Tsuruga for their BFA thesis film at the School of Visual Arts in New York, using Maya and Adobe Creative Suite.
Pretty sick.
Posted: August 17th, 2011
at 2:04pm by AMNP
Tagged with student, video, urban/master planning, film, graphic design
Categories: architecture,urban/master planning,film,videos,graphic design
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Richard Cook On Sustainable Architecture
For this month’s installment of New Yorker Currents, Paul Goldberger, The New Yorker’s architecture critic, spoke with Richard Cook, a partner in Cook+Fox Architects and the designer of the new Bank of America Tower, a Manhattan skyscraper, completed earlier this year, that is the largest building to receive a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum certification, the highest standard set by the U.S. Green Building Council. Here they discuss sustainable architecture, the use of nature in design, and the debates over the LEED standard.
Read more
Posted: August 22nd, 2010
at 8:26pm by orangemenace
Tagged with green, video, sustainability, Cook, Goldberger, New Yorker
Categories: architecture,green arch,videos
Comments: 2 comments
BSA on Greenway Guidelines
BSA Response to Greenway Guidelines from Chris Lovett on Vimeo.
Ah – buildings for the Greenway! Thankfully the BSA is on top of things, and trying to push along planning for these empty spaces. Commercial properties? Ground floor retail? A building at Dewey Square? All the buildings ‘don’t have to be museums’? Brilliant – let’s hope we start to see some of these ideas unfold.
Putting an actual building at Dewey Square would be great – holding that space out front of South Station, and improving the streetscape along Summer Street. That, and I was just saying the other night while leaving the Fisherman’s Feast (in the North End) that what the Greenway seems to desperately need is a bar (really, more than one). It’s a strange scene there at night, with most people (it seems) just passing through the space – unless some special event is going on. I say dope little cafe by day, classy bar at night.
One thing I’m tired of hearing about is the scary shadows, blah blah blah. Sure, we need to be careful of blocking out the sun – but people have complained about tall buildings being suggested for the EAST of the Greenway. I’m not going to insult a ninjas intelligence and explain why that’s ridiculous – but c’mon son.
Magnus Larsson: Sand to Sandstone
Architecture student Magnus Larsson details his bold plan to transform the harsh Sahara desert using bacteria and a surprising construction material: the sand itself.
Not so new, but new to me – this video is pretty interesting. Imagine building with nature like this, and what that could mean for architecture and construction. Who’s to say that we won’t be programming these bacteria, etc, to perform increasingly complex & specific tasks – guiding them along a certain design trajectory while allowing for just enough randomness for unique and ‘natural’ results. We could be growing whole cities – which, needless to say, would be pretty dope.
Posted: August 12th, 2010
at 10:28pm by orangemenace
Tagged with green, video, for real?, TED talk
Categories: architecture,green arch,videos,landscape,design
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Shigeru Ban at L Studio
Posted: March 7th, 2010
at 5:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, Shigeru Ban
Categories: architecture,videos
Comments: 1 comment
Lumitectura from barno on Vimeo.
Thanks to our ninja Matt K for the link.
Posted: February 25th, 2010
at 10:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, lighting, animated facade, facade, lumitectura
Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,videos,eye candy
Comments: 1 comment
Joshua Prince-Ramus: Wyly @ TED
Joshua Prince-Ramus believes that if architects re-engineer their design process, the results can be spectacular. Speaking at TEDxSMU, Dallas, he walks us through his fantastic re-creation of the local Wyly Theater as a giant “theatrical machine” that reconfigures itself at the touch of a button.
Posted: February 14th, 2010
at 5:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, theater, TED, Joshua Prince Ramus
Categories: architecture,videos
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Ninja Weaponry: The Tape Measure
The good people of Architect Magazine tweeted [twit? twittered?] this to me over a week ago and I somehow missed it until today. This ninja right here is crazily silly sick with a tape measure. Mad skills.
In case you were wondering – yes, this kind of thing is exactly why construction jobs rarely finish on time or on budget. I, for one, think its worth it.
Posted: February 11th, 2010
at 2:21pm by orangemenace
Tagged with video, for real?, ninja, my ninja, please, weaponry
Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,videos
Comments: 1 comment