Archive for the ‘government’ tag

TV Ad: Say ‘No’ to Nouvel + MoMA


Really, I love the idea that people are passionate about their city and their surroundings, but let’s get real here – these ninjas live in New York. When people here in the Bean started to freak out about Renzo Piano designing a 1,400 feet-tall skyscraper downtown, I understood where they were coming from – the thing would’ve been about 600 feet taller than Boston’s current tallest structure. But let me say it again – these ninjas live in New York.

Is Nouvel’s proposal tall? Of course – but it’s also SICK. Those shadows they show it casting in the video look like they’ll be pretty lost within all the others – it’s not like this tower will suddenly block the sky. Will some people lose specific views, and some direct sun? Yes, obviously – but that’s been going on for the past century in NYC.

My suggestion: if you don’t want a new skyscraper going in across the street, move to Brooklyn.

Posted: October 7th, 2009
at 2:41pm by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,my ninja, please,towering pagodas,videos,news,starchitects

Comments: 1 comment

Designed in USA


Well, my ninjas, it looks as if Foster has been kicked to the curb in San Francisco – and will not be getting that stimulus project that the Architect’s Newspaper reported on a while back. Instead, a local firm will be chosen to work on the project and receive the stimulus pay. To all my non-US based ninjas: I’m sorry to be so ‘pro-USA’ about this whole stimulus thing, but I expect you to be upset if your government is going to hire non-local designers on projects whose entire purpose is to create jobs and get people working/making money. Every ninja for him/herself around here these days…

*caution: rant ahead*

Really, I thought this was important because the legislation that dealt with whether or not stimulus funding had to be awarded to ‘local’ workers was some bullshit, pandering to ‘blue-collar’ Americans [steel manufacturers, in particular, I believe]. Look, I want politrick-cians to make sure ‘blue-collar’ workers are protected, but I hate that the rest of us are marginalized in their rhetoric. Do I work in a steel mill? No, but I still live here + vote. Architects, engineers, and designers are all US workers, too – our interests should be protected by our supposed representation as much as the next ninja. Those of us in ‘white-collar’ professions are just as desperate for work in this recession – and as the government is fairly consistently pushing for a ‘knowledge economy’, people who bought into the concept and became an architect or engineer [or whatever] instead of a construction worker [incurring massive debt, oftentimes, along the way] should be considered in the stimulus bill, too.

Anyways, this should all be in writing somewhere – guilt and bad publicity should not have entered into the decision to not award this stimulus project in SF to Foster. It should have been in the original legislation – and now it should be amended.

.:Buy American? -> via the Architect’s Newspaper

Posted: August 13th, 2009
at 5:25am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture

Comments: 2 comments

City of the Future?

WBUR’s [NPR] On Point looks at Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s ‘City of the Future’.

“In Arabic, the word Masdar means ‘the source’. And right now, the desert outside Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, is the source of a budding green revolution. Construction is underway for Masdar City, a high-tech metropolis that will be home to 50,000 residents –and be the world’s first city with no carbon footprint. No cars. Zero waste. A truly green metropolis.”

.:On Point->via WBUR

Posted: August 4th, 2009
at 10:21pm by orangemenace

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Categories: sidenote

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Losing the LEED

Watch out for LEED 2009, or LEED V3, as there are some very specific changes – one of which could get your certification revoked! Jetson Green looks at the new Minimum Program Requirements, or ‘MPRs’, which a project must meet and sustain. If not: “Certification may be revoked from any LEED project upon gaining knowledge of non-compliance with any applicable MPR. If such a circumstance occurs, registration and/or certification fees will not be refunded.” Call me cynical, but this sounds like it might be a money grab…but, that said, someone should be monitoring LEED buildings to ensure they ‘stay green’.

Posted: July 15th, 2009
at 9:13am by orangemenace

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Categories: sidenote

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Stimulus Spending

Should stimulus funding only be awarded to local firms? Or, if we’re not that explicit about it – should local firms’ proposals get some kind of ‘preferred’ status? The Architect’s Newspaper reported last week that Foster + Partners has been chosen for the $121 million renovation of 50 UN Plaza, a historic federal building in San Francisco – chosen over SOM, Architectural Resources Group with HKS, and Hornberger + Worstell with William McDonough, all of which have San Fran offices. I’m not one to spout some pro-America nonsense, but the stimulus [paid for by us, eventually] seemed to be about improving the US economy by funding US projects and paying US workers. Sure, we’re a part of a global economy, but consider this: they would never dream of hiring anything but local laborers for this project. It might not seem like a big deal, but a project this size will generate enough income for a firm to retain a significant amount of workers, I would imagine. What do you think? Leave a comment!

Posted: July 7th, 2009
at 1:51pm by orangemenace

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Categories: sidenote

Comments: 3 comments

Recycle or be Prosecuted

Not really, I assume – but San Fran has just signed mandatory recycling and composting laws into law! Crazy .:via Inhabitat->

Posted: June 25th, 2009
at 10:52am by orangemenace

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Categories: sidenote

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